
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Remember in 2005 when...

Our story...

In 2005, we met on myspace. I moved to Hawaii from Atlanta and you lived in Atlanta. You wrote me a message because you liked my picture. As we got to know each other we found out that we were from the same town and our high schools were right down the street from each other. We also found out that we knew the same people, but we were wondering why we had never met before. I used to work at IHOP and you used to work at Target and somehow we still missed each other.

We quickly grew close and we learned so much about each other so fast and we both had a secret. We even sent each other cards from time to time. Around 2007, we lost contact for about a year, but I thought about you constantly and worried about your safety. From time to time I would check up on you through Myspace or Facebook and you always seemed like you were doing well.

2009 quickly came around the corner and I received a Valentine's Day card from you. I was so happy I couldn't stop smiling and I called you right away. We spent the rest of the day on the phone and I almost told you my secret, but I was too scared so I said nothing and was happy that we were talking again.

Later on that year I was planning a trip to Atlanta. You were the first person I told and I remember sending you a text in class that I was coming. You needed some convincing because you didn't believe me...haha =] We were both excited because it was around your birthday. I was nervous because we had never met each other in person before.

When I finally arrived in Atlanta I was busy, but we were constantly texting and calling each other =]

Then, one night I went out and I couldn't stop thinking about you. We had been texting all night and I remember telling you I wanted to ask you a question. You said go ahead and that's when I asked, "what would you say if i told you i'd miss you even if we'd never met?" You took forever to text me back and I got super nervous and I thought I messed up our friendship. Then, you text me back and to my surprise you agreed with me. I was so relieved!

12/20/2009: It's your birthday! I was busy running around town and meeting people I haven't seen in years. I was trying so bad to see you for your birthday, but I was scared I was going to miss it. You kept saying, "no, it's my birthday. i have to see you." So, finally I was leaving a meeting and I text you, "meet me in the checkers parking lot on peachtree across from chevron." You text back, "on thee way!"

We were both so nervous, but so excited at the same time. When my friend dropped me off at Checkers I saw you sitting in your truck. I got extremely nervous. I walked up to your truck and got inside. We were both really nervous and we couldn't help but glance at each other and look away. Our first meet was short, but worth it. You dropped me off at my friends apartment and you got out of the truck and made me give you a hug...hahaha =] We hugged for so long. I didn't want to let you go.

The next night, a group of us met for dinner and drinks. That night was the night! I knew that if I didn't tell you or show you how I felt about you, I didn't know when I'd ever see you again and I'd always regret it. So, my pinky grabbed your finger and your hand grabbed mine and we were talking, giggling, and smiling the whole night. Finally, you made a move. You pulled my hand to come sit down on your lap and I did and you gently kissed me on the cheek. I was really shocked and pleasantly surprised. I remember looking at you and smiling and leaning in to kiss you on the lips and we kissed for a very long time...hahahaha =]

As soon as our lips touched, I fell in love with you. I immediately knew you were the man for me and I knew I didn't want anyone else.

FINALLY! Our secret was revealed! All these years we both "liked" and cared for each other so much!

It's now 2010, we're girlfriend and boyfriend and happily in love. I'm still in Hawaii and you're still in Atlanta, but we're happier than ever and as I look back at that first message from 2005, I will always consider you my best friend, the first and only love of my life...

dedicated 2 SANu...

Love Story Of The Month

My Story

Love in life has not treated me well recently. I am currently a college student and my boyfriend dumped me about a month and a half ago. We had been dating for almost five years (all of high school) and we had been living together for almost a year. Everything was perfectly fine. We would talk about getting married and having kids and all of our lives together. Then one day, out of the blue, he dumped me. He claimed that he had not been happy with me for several months, although I doubted this as we seemed to be really happy. I could deal with that though. What I couldn't deal with was when I found out the real reason he left me a few days later.

He had met another girl at work and left me to be with her. They had been talking about it during the week before he left me. I found a note that was laying in our apartment from her (I had not yet moved out). She talked about what an idiot I was and how she agrees that he should be with her. After we broke up, he had sworn up and down that he wasn't interested in her and that's not why he left me. But he lied.

I didn't understand how he could so easily throw me away and forget me after five years, and I still don't. I don't understand how he can not care about how badly it hurt me and well, just not care in general.

I lost my faith in love. The thought of going out and finding someone else really terrifies me, and I don't really believe in any truly love anymore anyway. The only place I've ever seen it is in movies and books. I thought I had it, but I was wrong.

It hurts so bad to think of him moving on with her. Of him being with her. While I feel like I've done a good job of dealing with it, I'm still so angry. I don't miss him anymore, nor do I love him or ever want him back. But I am so overwhelmingly angry and I don't know how to express it, to get it out. I wish that I could confront him about how much he hurt me, but I know he wouldn't care and that would just hurt me all over again. I truly feel hate when I think of him, and I don't like that feeling. I try to be a very nice and happy person, but now it feels like I have a big black hole inside me, consuming me.

I've never felt any sort of anger or hatred to this degree, and I am looking for a good source for it. If I could find a way to deal with that, I would be okay. But I haven't found that yet. If you ask me, love is a joke and not to be trusted. I would love to believe differently, as I used to be a hopeless romantic, but I just can't.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Beautiful Heart

The more hurt and pain you have gone thru in life, the stronger and more

beautiful your heart will be.....

One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming that he
had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley.

A large crowd gathered and they all admired his heart for it was perfect. There
was not a mark or a flaw in it. Yes, they all agreed it

truly was the most beautiful heart they had ever seen. The young man was very
proud and boasted more loudly about his beautiful


Suddenly, an old man appeared at the front of the crowd and said, "Why your
heart is not nearly as beautiful as mine." The crowd and

the young man looked at the old man's heart. It was beating strongly, but full
of scars, it had places where pieces had been removed

and other pieces put in, but they didn't fit quite right and there were several
jagged edges. In fact, in some places there were deep

gouges where whole pieces missing.

The people stared. How can he say his heart is more beautiful?? they thought.
The young man looked at the old man's heart and saw

its state and laughed. "You must be joking," he said. "Compare your heart with
mine, mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars and


"Yes," said the old man, "Yours is perfect looking but I would never trade with
you. You see, every scar represents a person to whom I

have given my love - I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them, and
often they give me a piece of their heart which fits into the

empty place in my heart, but because the pieces aren't exact, I have some rough
edges, which I cherish, because they remind me of

the love we shared. Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart away, and the
other person hasn't returned a piece of his heart to

me. These are the empty gouges - giving love is taking a chance. Although these
gouges are painful, they stay open, reminding me of

the love I have for these people too, and I hope someday they may return and
fill the space I have waiting. So now do you see what

true beauty is?"

The young man stood silently with tears running down his cheeks. He walked up to
the old man, reached into his perfect young and

beautiful heart, and ripped a piece out. He offered it to the old man with
trembling hands.

The old man took his offering, placed it in his heart and then took a piece from
his old scarred heart and placed it in the wound in the

young man's heart. It fit, but not perfectly, as there were some jagged edges.

The young man looked at his heart, not perfect anymore but more beautiful than
ever, since love from the old man's heart flowed into


short love stories

Unsure love, finally sure love

Well, when I was a 13 years girl who just stepped the teen age fall in love with
one guy named Alex, who was 2 years older than me. I don't know when and where I
fall for him. He was also studying in same school where I used to study.
Actually he was the popular guy of our school and of our city.

Everybody loves him and teachers used to admire him. In Actual he was sort of
celebrity because he used to act in the Tele movie. Which was great hit and he
was playing the leading role in that. He was good at acting, well at studies,
well in sports and he was well mannered. Well he is good in playing Basketball
and the captain of the team of our school. Actually our school had won many
games of basketball and it’s because of him and his team player. He was all
rounder and he was the coolest guy of our school and state as well.

At first I used to talk about him a lot and one day I just met him in the school
bus. Actually he usually didn’t go by bus but he was coincidentally in the bus.
So there I met him there for the first time. At that time he was already in the
school bus and me and my pal Michelle we were entering the school bus there was
other notorious and bully boys. Among them one of the boy just kept the leg in
front of my way and I didn’t see it and I was about to fall suddenly Alex caught
me in his warm arms and I was clanged in his arms for a moment. At that time I
introduce me and my friend and thanked him. I was very at that moment and felt
like an angel.

After then we just stare each other in the school. But we never ever talked and
shared our feelings with each other because I used to feel uneasy and used to
scare to talk with him. He always used to stare me in every break time and when
we coincidently met each other but he didn't used to utter a word. I loved him
from inside but couldn't show him and share him. finally when he passed his
grade-10 and had a last day on school which was farewell day, I farewell him
without uttering a word because I wasn't sure that he love me or not and I was
scared to propose him if his answer will be 'no' .so, Neither I told him
something nor he told me something for his high school and we never met
thereafter and only his memory was left behind.

After that we began to see each other coincidently sometime like I used to see
him coincidentally once in long interval of time because he was still inside the
city. He was still in the state and hasn’t moved to the city and I was so
shocked by that and was curious to know the reason why he didn’t move to city?

But one day when I passed my school then I got some time and I was going for the
violin class and was in the way to return back home. I saw him with his Pal in
his splendid car. I was aw. At that time he was not only a Tele movie star but
also a film star.

After that time, I saw him everyday when I was returning back home. As I told it
that he used to stare me. Throughout this time he was staring me and one day I
was with my Pal and busy talking ,returning from violin class I was on the way
to my home there he came in his car and came out of the car, yanked me, told "I
love u" and kissed me. At that time my whole body was freezing. I was so
confused what to say or what to do. I was motionless at that time and then he
wrote something on my hand. While he finished writing he told me again "if you
love me too then you'll call me tonight". He told this much and he went away. As
he was going away from me some people and chic recognize him and was screaming
and following him to take autograph of him. But I was there only staring him.

My Pal Michelle who was with me was also shocked for a moment and after a while
she started to mock me. When I reached at home I was totally perplexed what to
do. That was past and after that moment when he's last day of school was on, I
stopped to think about him and here I had already one Boyfriend Steve. I think a
lot and recalled my past moments and came to conclusion that he is my first love
so I should give a chance to it.

Then I phoned him and talked with him. From that I came to know that he wanted
me to be first to propose him and start this relation but I was unaware about it
and when he saw me on the way he could not stop himself and he exposed it. So,
after that I was feeling great but another problem stood there and that is about
my boyfriend. I thought for a moment and came in conclusion that I should give
up that relationship with my boyfriend. I phoned him and told all things that
happened to me. He also loved me very much. At first he wasn’t ready to leave me
but he understood a bit later that I love someone and I could be happy with
someone. At that time I was little bit sad because I broke someone’s heart to
mend my heart but I promised him that you’ll be my true friend for ever and I’ll
be helping you and shall not forget whole my life.

Well then one day again Alex phoned me and said that I needed to meet you.

We choose the Best Restaurant of our state for the Dating and I was so excited
that for the first time I am going date with coolest and was also famous actor
Alex. The night when he phoned me I was happy and I choose a best cloth that
suits me and bought it from the mall and be almost ready to go for the dating.

Next day I began to be ready for tonight dating. The time came to go for dating
and I went to the place where we decided yesterday to go. As I reached
restaurant and went inside I didn’t see a single person except him.

He booked the whole restaurant only for me, I thought. As he saw me he hastily
came to me to welcome me. We really had a great time there. We had a delicious
food and talk as well. I really enjoyed that night. It was the biggest and
memorable day of my life.

From that day we were lovers and our relationship bond was very strong as well.

Here I am now stepping in 30 and we still love each other very much and we are
planning to marry in next six months.

short love stories

If You Love Her Enough

My friend John always has something to tell me. He knows so much that young men have to have older and more worldly wise men to tell them. For instance who to trust, how to care for others, and how to live life to the fullest.

Recently, John lost his wife Janet. For eight years she fought against cancer, but in the end her sickness had the last word.

One day John took out a folded piece of paper from his wallet. He had found it, so he told me, when he tidied up some drawers at home. It was a small love letter Janet had written. The note could look like a school girl's scrawls about her dream guy. All that was missing was a drawing of a heart with the names John and Janet written in it. But the small letter was written by a woman who had had seven children; a woman who fought for her life and who probably only had a few months left to live.

It was also a beautiful recipe for how to keep a marriage together.

Janet's description of her husband begins thus: "Loved me. Took care of me. Worried about me."

Even though John always had a ready answer, he never joked about cancer apparently. Sometimes he came home in the evening to find Janet in the middle of one of those depressions cancer patients so often get. In no time he got her into the car and drove her to her favourite restaurant.

He showed consideration for her, and she knew it. You cannot hide something for someone who knows better.

"Helped me when I was ill," the next line reads. Perhaps Janet wrote this while the cancer was in one of the horrible and wonderful lulls. Where everything is -- almost -- as it used to be, before the sickness broke out, and where it doesn't hurt to hope that everything is over, maybe forever.

"Forgave me a lot."

"Stood by my side."

And a piece of good advice for everyone who looks on giving constructive criticism as a kind of sacred duty: "Always praising."

"Made sure I had everything I needed," she goes on to write.

After that she has turned over the paper and added: "Warmth. Humour. Kindness. Thoughtfulness." And then she writes about the husband she has lived with and loved the most of her life: "Always there for me when I needed you."

The last words she wrote sum up all the others. I can see her for me where she adds thoughtfully: "Good friend."

I stand beside John now, and cannot even pretend to know how it feels to lose someone who is as close to me as Janet was to him. I need to hear what he has to say much more than he needs to talk.

"John," I ask. "How do you stick together with someone through 38 years -- not to mention the sickness? How do I know if I can bear to stand by my wife's side if she becomes sick one day?"

"You can," he says quietly. "If you love her enough, you can."

short love stories

A girl in love asked her boyfriend.

Girl: Tell me. Who do you love most in this world?

Boy: You, of course!

Girl: In your heart, what am I to you?

Boy: The boy thought for a moment and looked intently in her eyes and said, "You are my rib. It was said that God saw that Adam was lonely, during his sleep, God took one of Adam's rib and created Eve. Every man has been searching for his missing rib, only when you find the woman of your life, you'll no longer feel the lingering ache in your heart."

After their wedding, the couple had a sweet and happy life for a while.

However, the youthful couple began to drift apart due to the busy schedule of life and the never-ending worries of daily problems, their life became mundane.

All the challenges posed by the harsh realities of life began to gnaw away their dreams and love for each other. The couple began to have more quarrels and each quarrel became more heated.

One day, after the quarrel, the girl ran out of the house. At the opposite side of the road, she shouted, "You don't love me!"

The boy hated her childishness and out of impulse, retorted, "Maybe, it was a mistake for us to be together! You were never my missing rib!"

Suddenly, she turned quiet and stood there for a long while. He regretted what he said but words spoken are like thrown away water, you can never take it back. With tears, she went home to pack her things and was determined in breaking-up.

Before she left the house, "If I'm really not your missing rib, please let me go." She continued, "It is less painful this way. Let us go on our separate ways and search for our own partners."

Five years went by...

He never remarried but he had tried to find out about her life indirectly. She had left the country and back. She had married a foreigner and divorced. He felt anguished that she never waited for him.

In the dark and lonely night, he lit his cigarette and felt the lingering ache in his heart. He couldn't bring himself to admit that he was missing her.

One day, they finally met. At the airport, a place where there were many reunions and good byes. He was going away on a business trip. She was standing there alone, with just the security door separating them. She smiled at him gently.

Boy: How are you?

Girl: I'm fine. How about you? Have you found your missing rib?

Boy: No.

Girl: I'll be flying to New York in the next flight.

Boy: I'll be back in 2 weeks time. Give me a call when you are back. You know my number. Nothing has changed.

With a smile, she turned around and waved good bye.

Good bye...

One week later, he heard of her death. She had perished in New York, in the event that shocked the world.

Midnight, once again, he lit his cigarette. And like before, he felt the lingering ache in his heart. He finally knew. She was the missing rib that he had carelessly broken.

Sometimes, people say things out of moments of fury. Most often than not, the outcome could be disastrous and detrimental. We vent our frustrations 99% at our loved ones. And even though we know that we ought to "think twice and act wisely", it's often easier said than done.

Things happen each day, many of which are beyond our control. Let us treasure every moment and everyone in our lives.

Tomorrow may never come. Give and accep

short love stories

A girl in love asked her boyfriend.

Girl: Tell me. Who do you love most in this world?

Boy: You, of course!

Girl: In your heart, what am I to you?

Boy: The boy thought for a moment and looked intently in her eyes and said, "You are my rib. It was said that God saw that Adam was lonely, during his sleep, God took one of Adam's rib and created Eve. Every man has been searching for his missing rib, only when you find the woman of your life, you'll no longer feel the lingering ache in your heart."

After their wedding, the couple had a sweet and happy life for a while.

However, the youthful couple began to drift apart due to the busy schedule of life and the never-ending worries of daily problems, their life became mundane.

All the challenges posed by the harsh realities of life began to gnaw away their dreams and love for each other. The couple began to have more quarrels and each quarrel became more heated.

One day, after the quarrel, the girl ran out of the house. At the opposite side of the road, she shouted, "You don't love me!"

The boy hated her childishness and out of impulse, retorted, "Maybe, it was a mistake for us to be together! You were never my missing rib!"

Suddenly, she turned quiet and stood there for a long while. He regretted what he said but words spoken are like thrown away water, you can never take it back. With tears, she went home to pack her things and was determined in breaking-up.

Before she left the house, "If I'm really not your missing rib, please let me go." She continued, "It is less painful this way. Let us go on our separate ways and search for our own partners."

Five years went by...

He never remarried but he had tried to find out about her life indirectly. She had left the country and back. She had married a foreigner and divorced. He felt anguished that she never waited for him.

In the dark and lonely night, he lit his cigarette and felt the lingering ache in his heart. He couldn't bring himself to admit that he was missing her.

One day, they finally met. At the airport, a place where there were many reunions and good byes. He was going away on a business trip. She was standing there alone, with just the security door separating them. She smiled at him gently.

Boy: How are you?

Girl: I'm fine. How about you? Have you found your missing rib?

Boy: No.

Girl: I'll be flying to New York in the next flight.

Boy: I'll be back in 2 weeks time. Give me a call when you are back. You know my number. Nothing has changed.

With a smile, she turned around and waved good bye.

Good bye...

One week later, he heard of her death. She had perished in New York, in the event that shocked the world.

Midnight, once again, he lit his cigarette. And like before, he felt the lingering ache in his heart. He finally knew. She was the missing rib that he had carelessly broken.

Sometimes, people say things out of moments of fury. Most often than not, the outcome could be disastrous and detrimental. We vent our frustrations 99% at our loved ones. And even though we know that we ought to "think twice and act wisely", it's often easier said than done.

Things happen each day, many of which are beyond our control. Let us treasure every moment and everyone in our lives.

Tomorrow may never come. Give and accep

short love storry

Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice but falling in love with
you I had no control over....I remember the first day when i saw him in class.
He was wearing white shirt and black pant. I just looked at him and was
impressed by his personality....... days passed........... and just a hello hi
sort of conversation continued. In November he sent me an SMS. I messaged him
and asked " who are you". He called me and informed. Then we used to send
forwarded messages to each other. Sometimes he used to comment on those messages
and i felt very nice. One day he added me on orkut. Daily i used to look at his
pics for hours. I dont know why i used to look but i felt something for him.
Then we started chatting and there was a sort of excitement. We even started
talking on phones. The whole day i used to wait for the night so that we can
chat. we became friends but my feelings for him grew more and more as the time
passed. Then one evening he called and asked "can we meet?" . It was an
unexpected surprise for me which changed my whole life. I said yes!!!!!!!!!! and
we met at lake. It was cold out there. He came heart started
beating at full speed. We started walking ...........he was a bit fast. I wanted
to tel him to be lil slow but i didnt. I became speechless. I wanted to look
into his eyes but i looked here and there...............infact on everthing
except him. We came back to parking area and he sat on my kinetic
................and i sat behind him and took a small round of that area. That
was toooooooooo romantic but i was pretending to be normal. We went back to our
homes ............And i recalled every moment spent together again and again. We
met again at lake. He was with his friend. We ate petty and my hands started
shivering though i was warm enough....... he jumped and told his
friend...........i felt shy as if i did something wrong. His friend went and we
both sat.......lake never seemed to me so beautiful as i felt at that time. We
both were sitting closely..... I wanted to say You are what I never knew I
always wanted........ Next time we went in a garden. He had to go back home also
but he was not in a hurry. He asked me suddenly " What is going on between us".
I became confused ......smiled and didnt gave any reply. He asked me again and
again but i was silent. I couldnt sleep at night..........! I was in love! After
he came back from his home, we met again in a garden. It was dark all around
....... He said that nothing can happen. All my hopes were shattered. I came
back home and cried a lot. I felt as if i am worthless.............not good for
anything. Every time i used to open my orkut account i could see him. So i
decided to delete him so that i can forget him. He used to message me n i used
to reply. I always felt nice whenever he used to send me a message. I again
added him on orkut and said sorry with the add request. He called me on new year
and said we will meet when he comes back. I again started thinking about
him........we met.......on 26th January at his residence. We played all sorts of
games. Then suddenly he said " what if i kiss you?" . I became numb........ I
said " i know you will not do". He remained very busy with his office work so i
never forced him to meet me frequently. We met on 10th feb (his birthday) for
five minutes. It was drizzling. I didnt wanted to say bye but i had to........
We met again in March on Holi. That was the turning point of our
relationship........where our eyes said everything to each other. The most
eloquent silence.........where only love existed. We met again and again and
came more close..............more...................more n more. Actually, there
is no remedy for love but to love more. Whenever I meet him.... I feel the same
charm as I felt on the first day. I want to be with him forever n ever n
ever............! Amen!

short love story

Life together

One fine day, an old couple around the age of 70, walks into a lawyer's office. Apparently, they are there to file a divorce.
Lawyer was very puzzled, after having a chat with them, he got their story....This couple had been quarreling all their 40 over yrs of marriage nothing ever seems to go right.
They hang on because of their children, afraid that it might affect their up-bringing. Now, all their children have already grown up, have their own family, there's nothing else the old couple have to worry about, all they wanted is to lead their own life free from all these years of unhappiness from their marriage, so both agree on a divorce....
Lawyer was having a hard time trying to get the papers done, because he felt that after 40 yrs of marriage at the age of 70, he couldnt understand why the old couple would still want a divorce..
While they were signing the papers, the wife told the husband.."I really love u, but i really cant carry on anymore, I'm sorry..""Its o.k, i understand.." said the husband. Lookin at this, the lawyer suggested a dinner together, just 3 of them,wife thought, why not, since they are still gonna be friends..
At the dining table, there was a silence of awkardness.The first dish was roasted chicken, immediately, the old man took the drumstick for the old lady.."take this, its your favourite.."
Looking at this, the lawyer thought maybe theres still a chance, but the wife was frowning when she answer.."This is always the problem, you always think so highly of yourself, never thought about how I feel, dont you know that i hate drumsticks?"
Little did she know that, over the years, the husband have been trying all ways to please her, little did she know that drumsticks was the husband's favourite. Little did he know that she never thought he understand her at all, little did he know that she hates drummsticks even though all he wants is the best for her.
That night, both of them couldnt sleep, toss and turn, toss and turn...after hours, the old man couldnt take it anymore, he knows that he still loves her, and he cant carry on life without her, he wants her back, he wants to tell her, he is sorry, he wanted to tell her "i love you"...
He picks up the phone, starting dialing her number....ringing never stops..he never stop dialing....
On the other side, she was sad, she couldn’t understand how come after all these years, he still doesnt understand her at all, she loves him a lot, but she just cant take it's ringing, she refuses to answer knowing that its him..."whats the point of talking now that its over...i have ask for it and now i wanna keep it this way, if not i will lose face.."she thought...still ringing...she have decided to pull out the cord...
Little did she remember, he have heart problems...
The next day, she received news that he had passed away...she rushed down to his apartment, saw his body, lying on the couch still holding on to the phone...he had a heart attack when he was still trying to get through her phone line....
As sad as she could be...she will have to clear his belongings...when she was looking thru the drawers, she saw this insurance policy, dated from the day they got married, with the beneficiary being her... And together in those file, there was this note...

"To my dearest wife, by the time you're reading this, I'm sure I'm no longer around, I bought this policy for you, though the amount is only $100k, I hope it will be able to help me continue my promise that i have made when we got married, I might not be around anymore, I want this amount of money to continue taking care of you, just like the way I will if I could have live longer. I want you to know Iwill always be around, by your side... I love you"
Tears flowed like river......
"When you love someone, let them know... You never know what will happen the next minute.... Learn to build a life together.. Learn to love each other. For who they are.. not what they are..."

short love stories


As I walked home one freezing day, I stumbled on a wallet someone had lost in the street. I picked it up and looked inside to find some identification soI could call the owner. But the wallet contained only three dollars and acrumpled letter that looked as if it had been in there for years.

The envelope was worn and the only thing that was legible on it was the return address. I started to open the letter, hoping to find some clue. Then I saw the dateline--1924. The letter had been written almost sixty years ago.

It was written in a beautiful feminine handwriting on powder blue stationery with a little flower in the left-hand corner. It was a "Dear John" letter that told the recipient, whose name appeared to be Michael, that the writer could not see him any more because her mother forbade it. Even so, she wrote that she would always love him.

It was signed, Hannah.

It was a beautiful letter, but there was no way except for the name Michael, that the owner could be identified. Maybe if I called information, the operator could find a phone listing for the address on the envelope.

"Operator," I began, "this is an unusual request. I'm trying to find the owner of a wallet that I found. Is there anyway you can tell me if there is a phone number for an address that was on an envelope in the wallet?"

She suggested I speak with her supervisor, who hesitated for a moment then said, "Well, there is a phone listing at that address, but I can't give you he number." She said, as a courtesy, she would call that number, explain my story and would ask them if they wanted her to connect me. I waited a few minutes and then she was back on the line. "I have a party who will speak with you."

I asked the woman on the other end of the line if she knew anyone by the name of Hannah. She gasped, "Oh! We bought this house from a family who had a daughter named Hannah. But that was 30 years ago!"

"Would you know where that family could be located now?" I asked.

"I remember that Hannah had to place her mother in a nursing home some years ago," the woman said. "Maybe if you got in touch with them they might be able to track down the daughter."

She gave me the name of the nursing home and I called the number. They told me the old lady had passed away some years ago but they did have a phone number for where they thought the daughter might be living.

I thanked them and phoned. The woman who answered explained that Hannah herself was now living in a nursing home.

This whole thing was stupid, I thought to myself. Why was I making such a big deal over finding the owner of a wallet that had only three dollars and a letter that was almost 60 years old?

Nevertheless, I called the nursing home in which Hannah was supposed to be living and the man who answered the phone told me, "Yes, Hannah is staying with us. "

Even though it was already 10 p.m., I asked if I could come by to see her. "Well," he said hesitatingly, "if you want to take a chance, she might be inthe day room watching television."

I thanked him and drove over to the nursing home. The night nurse and a guard greeted me at the door. We went up to the third floor of the large building. In the day room, the nurse introduced me to Hannah.

She was a sweet, silver-haired old timer with a warm smile and a twinkle in her eye.

I told her about finding the wallet and showed her the letter. The second she saw the powder blue envelope with that little flower on the left, she took a deep breath and said, "Young man, this letter was the last contact I ever
had with Michael."

She looked away for a moment deep in thought and then said Softly, "I loved him very much. But I was only 16 at the time and my mother felt I was too young. Oh, he was so handsome. He looked like Sean Connery, the actor."

"Yes," she continued. "Michael Goldstein was a wonderful person. If you should find him, tell him I think of him often. And," she hesitated for a moment, almost biting her lip, "tell him I still love him. You know," she said smiling as tears began to well up in her eyes, "I never did marry. I guess no one ever matched up to Michael..."

I thanked Hannah and said goodbye. I took the elevator to the first floor and as I stood by the door, the guard there asked, "Was the old lady able to help you?"

I told him she had given me a lead. "At least I have a last name. But I think I'll let it go for a while. I spent almost the whole day trying to find the owner of this wallet."

I had taken out the wallet, which was a simple brown leather case with red lacing on the side. When the guard saw it, he said, "Hey, wait a minute! That's Mr. Goldstein's wallet. I'd know it anywhere with that bright red lacing. He's always losing that wallet. I must have found it in the halls at least three times."

"Who's Mr. Goldstein?" I asked as my hand began to shake.

"He's one of the old timers on the 8th floor. That's Mike Goldstein's wallet for sure. He must have lost it on one of his walks."

I thanked the guard and quickly ran back to the nurse's office. I told her what the guard had said. We went back to the elevator and got on. I prayed that Mr. Goldstein would be up.

On the eighth floor, the floor nurse said, "I think he's still in the day room. He likes to read at night. He's a darling old man."

We went to the only room that had any lights on and there was a man reading a book. The nurse went over to him and asked if he had lost his wallet. Mr. Goldstein looked up with surprise, put his hand in his back pocket and said, "Oh, it is missing!"

"This kind gentleman found a wallet and we wondered if it could be yours?"

I handed Mr. Goldstein the wallet and the second he saw it, he smiled with relief and said, "Yes, that's it! It must have dropped out of my pocket this afternoon. I want to give you a reward."

"No, thank you," I said. "But I have to tell you something. I read the letter in the hope of finding out who owned the wallet."

The smile on his face suddenly disappeared. "You read that letter?"

"Not only did I read it, I think I know where Hannah is."

He suddenly grew pale. "Hannah? You know where she is? How is she? Is she still as pretty as she was? Please, please tell me," he begged.

"She's fine...just as pretty as when you knew her." I said softly.

The old man smiled with anticipation and asked, "Could you tell me where
she is? I want to call her tomorrow." He grabbed my hand and said, "You know something, mister, I was so in love with that girl that when that letter came, my life literally ended. I never married. I guess I've always loved her. "

"Mr. Goldstein," I said, "Come with me."

We took the elevator down to the third floor. The hallways were darkened and only one or two little night-lights lit our way to the day room where Hannah was sitting alone watching the television. The nurse walked over to

"Hannah," she said softly, pointing to Michael, who was waiting with me in the doorway. "Do you know this man?"

She adjusted her glasses, looked for a moment, but didn't say a word. Michael said softly, almost in a whisper, "Hannah, it's Michael. Do you remember me?"

She gasped, "Michael! I don't believe it! Michael! It's you! My Michael!" He walked slowly towards her and they embraced. The nurse and I left with tears streaming down our faces.

"See," I said. "See how the Good Lord works! If it's meant to be, it will be."

About three weeks later I got a call at my office from the nursing home.
"Can you break away on Sunday to attend a wedding? Michael and Hannah are going to tie the knot!"

It was a beautiful wedding with all the people at the nursing home dressed up to join in the celebration. Hannah wore a light beige dress and looked beautiful. Michael wore a dark blue suit and stood tall. They made me their
best man.

The hospital gave them their own room and if you ever wanted to see a 76-year-old bride and a 79-year-old groom acting like two teenagers, you had to see this couple.

A perfect ending for a love affair that had lasted nearly 60 years

short love stories

मैले दिएको मुटु, कुनै त्यस्तो सस्तो चिज होइन । म त रिती सकेको छु । तिम्रो माया पाउन, मैले तिमीलाई आधा छाती दिएको होइन । म त खाली,खाली, रित्तो भइसकेको छु । किन यो दिनहरु विरान लाग्छ ? म आफ्नै छायांमा आफूलाई हराइरहेछु । रातहरु पनि कति स्वार्थी छन् ! मेरो नीद देवी लिई टाढा भागिदिन्छ । सम्झनाको त्यो झिनो धागो, कल्पना भरी बेह्रीरहन्छ । भनौं…! यो अथाहा पीडाले जीवन छटपटिरहन्छ । तिम्रो निश्फ्रक्ताभित्र जीवन निशासिरहन्छ । मैले दिएको माया, कुनै त्यस्तो खेल्ने खेल होइन । म त दुखी रहेको छु । यो वेदना पाउन, मैले तिमीलाई अविश्वास मागेको होइन । म त आशुं आशुं भएर बांचीदिएको छु । किन यो जीवन उजाड लाग्छ ? म आफैदेखि आफैलाई टाढा पाईरहेछु । समय पनि कस्तो पापी छ ! जीवनको खुशी खोसेर शून्यतामा हराइदिन्छ । मायाको त्यो सानो त्यान्द्रो, मन भरि छटपटिरहन्छ । भनौं…!! एउटा अथाहा पीडामा जीवन दुखीरहन्छ । तिम्रो वेवास्ताको प्रहारले जीवन छटपटिरहन्छ । आखिरमा मैले ठूलै घात पाएं । चिन्ताको चित्तामा जलिरहेछु । अव, म जीवन विर्सजन गर्न चाहन्छु । जीवनको अथाह पीडाबाट मुक्ती पाउन, जीवनलाई किनारा लगाउन चाहन्छु । अन्तिम श्वास निभाउन चाहन्छु ।

Love is

I had three friends - Sandeep, Namrata and Shristi.
Sandeep was chased by all the girls in our high school.
Namrata was one of those popular girls. Model, sexy, and stylish.
Shristi was just one of those plain and average girls.
Namrata and Shristi were both totally crazy and wacko over Sandeep.
Namrata didn't have to do anything to attract Sandeep.
For she was already attractive enough.
Shristi on the other hand, showered Sandeep with love and care.
Shristi wasn't ugly at all.
In fact, she looked sweet and pleasant.
But she wasn't a model, she didn't were mini skirts or jeans.
So like everyone expected, Sandeep chose Namrata.
For Shristi was just one ordinary and plain girl.
While Namrata was labeled as the cool and attractive type.

Sandeep always insulted Shristi.

Telling her what a 'Plain Jane' she was
and how dumb she looked.
Which obviously made Shristi feel so hurt and useless.
That's life. Shristi never gave up though.
She wanted to prove something to Sandeep.
She wanted to prove that looks aren't everything.
She studied hard, really hard.
She became the top girl, and all the guys who once ignored her, chased her.

But she never forgot Sandeep.
Everyday, she put a red rose in Sandeep's locker.
Always with the same words.
'I care for you, and I always will'
Because she knew that Sandeep was facing a hard time.
Sandeep began to realise.
How dumb he had been.
His beloved girlfriend, Namrata Was flirting with other guys.
He regretted for choosing the wrong girl.

Namrata broke up with Sandeep later.
For she had found a wealthier guy.
Sandeep felt so cheated, stupid and dumb.
He went to look for Shristi.
He knelt on his knees, and said.
"Shristi, please forgive me. Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
Shristi rejected him, much to everyone's surprise.
She only uttered these words.
"You've suffered a great loss, so I don't want you to face another one"

Sandeep felt disappointed.
He didn't understand a word that she said to him.
But they became good friends.
Did everything together.
Sandeep began to change into someone better.
Because Shristi showered him with the love he never experienced before.
His ex-girlfriends had never treated him that way.
They just accepted him for his looks.
But Shristi accepted him for himself .
She changed him.
Shristi continued putting a red rose into his locker everyday.
With the same words. She never forgot.

One day, Shristi didn't turn up in school.
She didn't come for a week.
At first, Sandeep thought that she was on a vacation with her family.
Because she told him that she would be going to Chitwan with them.
But one day. He received a call from the Teaching Hospital.
Saying that Shristi was about to die.
She had been suffering from cancer.
But Shristi forbade them from telling him.
Because she didn't want Sandeep to worry about her.
But now that she was about to die.
She wanted to see Sandeep for the last time.
Sandeep rushed to the hospital.
When he saw how weak Shristi was.
Tears began rushing down his cheeks.
He whispered "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Why did you hide this from me?"
She looked at him and smiled weakly at him.

"When I said that I didn't want you to suffer from facing another loss, I meant this. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to worry.

I wanted to spend my last days with you cheerfully." Sandeep looked at her.
"You can't leave me!" he said.
"What will I be without you?"
"You'll be who you are now. I will always be there by your side. Never forget that. Cherish those times. Live life happily. And one more thing."

"Yes?" "I love you" And she died. Sandeep screamed.
He still couldn't accept Shristi's death.
He had only spent a month with Shristi.

A month. But Shristi changed his life in a way.
A way that no one could ever explain. He regretted.
But he knew that Shristi would always be keeping an eye on him from Heaven.

Sometimes we just don't appreciate those people who really care for us.
Until they leave us. Until we lose them. Then we regret.
Outer beauty doesn't matter; it's the inner one that counts.
It's better to tell someone how much you love them.
Rather than to not tell them and lose them without telling them.
You'll regret Love is. When we fight till the very last minute.
Just to show and tell someone how much we love them.

This is a true story that happened in Japan. In photos to renovate the house, someone in Japan tear open the wall.

Japanese houses normally have a hollow space between the wooden walls.

When tearing down the walls, he found that there was a lizard stucked there because a nail from outside hammered into one of its feet.

He sees this, feels pity and at the same time curious, as when he checked the nail, it was nailed 10 years ago when the house was first built.

What happened? The lizard has survived in such position for 10 years!?!! In a dark wall partition for 10 years without moving,it is impossible and mind boggling.

Then he wondered, how this lizard survived for 10 years without moving a single step - since its feet was nailed!

So, he stopped his work and observed the lizard,what has it been doing and what has it been eating? Later, don't know from where appears another lizard,with food in its mouth... AHHH!

He was stunned and touched deeply. For the lizard that was stucked by nail, another lizard has been feeding it for the past 10 years...

Such a love, such a beautiful love!! Such love happened even on this tiny creature. What can love do? It can do wonders!! Love can do miracles!!

Imagine it has been doing it for a tiredsome 10 yrs, without giving up hope on its partner. Imagine what a small creature can do that a creature blessed with the brilliant mind can't.

Unspoken feelings

Thoughts of her will still make me well up with tears despite that she has already passed away for 4 years, the pain of losing her, the unspoken feelings I had for her… It was during my secondary school days that I got to know her, I was 16, and she was 14. We were introduced to each other by a mutual friend. Being courteous I stood up and offer a handshake, introducing myself. She was like the others, laughing at my weird name.Soon we were spending time together despite that we spoke very little to each other. And I realized that we had quite a number of mutual friends. Over time my feelings for her developed, her smile, and her sweetness attracted me a lot. She became my source of motivation, for I strive hard in my studies. From scoring borderline marks for all subjects to a top scorer in my class. Due to being small size, I was often bullied by my classmates; going to school became rather depressing. But she changed it all, I looked forward to our meetings at the library after classes ended.One day when I couldn’t sleep, I then wonder if I should confess my feelings to her. I was hoping to get to know her further, not rushing into a bgr relationship. But then I realized that I was not good enough for her, she was a top scorer in class where all the elites were. I was in a class that was notorious for being trouble makers. I don’t think that I am good enough for her, no looks no brains, kind of useless. It would be disgraceful and that I should be content with that she would even be friends with me. I tossed a coin which indicated that I should tell her how I felt.Coincidentally I really did saw her the next day. I told her that I got something that I would like to tell her, but then no words came out of my mouth. I got cold feet, for thoughts that I am not good enough for her came to my mind. In the end I left saying that I had forgotten what I wanted to say. I was upset hence I decided to concentrate on my studies instead. For that period I really forgotten about her, for what was on my mind was to be number 1 in class.Soon it was time for a major examination; I prayed hard that I could score well for it. When the results came out, I was number 1 in my level with the best score. I wanted to share the joy with her and perhaps that it might seem a good time to confess to her. Sadly I never met her.When the next academic year came, I anxiously searched for her but I couldn’t find her. Her classmates guess that she might be sick.Later that day 2 of our mutual friends came to me and brought me the news that she had already passed away. I was devastated, tears just flow. Neither did I get to attend her funeral due to objections from my mother who was quite superstitious. All that I had as a memory of her was a sweet wrapper which she gave me, which is still in my wallet till this day.I pray that she would rest in peace… If you asked me why I chose not to let her know how I feel. It is because I don't think I will be able to be there for her, I rather she would be happily being with the guy she likes. For her happiness is all that matters to me, so long I am able to stay by her side as a friend, that would be good enough. At least I still get to see her. Love is not about possession, it never was. Till today she still remains in my heart. My only regret was that I was not around to help her, to give her support. I know I could change it, she could have been alive today. To all people out there, though saying words to your love ones may be hard, do not hide your feelings. Express it in other ways.

funny pics



Wednesday, May 12, 2010

love sms

Life ends when you stop dreaming
Life ends when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing and love ends when you stop caring. So dream hope and love...Makes Life Beautiful

Time will always fly
Time will always fly, but our love will never die. Keep in touch and remeber me

When You give your heart

When time comes for u to give ur heart to someone, make sure u select someone who will never break ur heart, cuz broken hearts has never spare parts.

Write on Bricks

I m going to write on all the bricks I MISS U and i wish that one falls on ur head,so that u knows how it hurts when u miss someone special like u.

If 10 people care 4 u
If 10 people care 4 u, one of them is me, if 1 person cares 4 u that would be me again, if no 1 cares 4 u that means i m not in this world.

I m feeling so happy
I m feeling so happy, do u know why? cuz i m so lucky, do u know how? cuz God loves me.Do u know how? cuz he gave me a gift. Do u know what? its YOU my love.

First time i saw u
1st time i saw u i was scared 2 touch u.1st time i touched u i was scared 2 kiss u.1st time i kiss u i was scared to luv u.but now dat i luv u im scared 2 lose u!

If i were a tear in ur eye
If i were a tear in ur eye i wood roll down onto ur lips.But if u were a tear in my eye i wood never cry as i wood be afraid 2 lose u!

I love all the stars in the sky,
I love all the stars in the sky, but they are nothing compared to the ones in your eyes!

Funny pictures

Funny pictures

Thursday, May 6, 2010