
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Remember in 2005 when...

Our story...

In 2005, we met on myspace. I moved to Hawaii from Atlanta and you lived in Atlanta. You wrote me a message because you liked my picture. As we got to know each other we found out that we were from the same town and our high schools were right down the street from each other. We also found out that we knew the same people, but we were wondering why we had never met before. I used to work at IHOP and you used to work at Target and somehow we still missed each other.

We quickly grew close and we learned so much about each other so fast and we both had a secret. We even sent each other cards from time to time. Around 2007, we lost contact for about a year, but I thought about you constantly and worried about your safety. From time to time I would check up on you through Myspace or Facebook and you always seemed like you were doing well.

2009 quickly came around the corner and I received a Valentine's Day card from you. I was so happy I couldn't stop smiling and I called you right away. We spent the rest of the day on the phone and I almost told you my secret, but I was too scared so I said nothing and was happy that we were talking again.

Later on that year I was planning a trip to Atlanta. You were the first person I told and I remember sending you a text in class that I was coming. You needed some convincing because you didn't believe me...haha =] We were both excited because it was around your birthday. I was nervous because we had never met each other in person before.

When I finally arrived in Atlanta I was busy, but we were constantly texting and calling each other =]

Then, one night I went out and I couldn't stop thinking about you. We had been texting all night and I remember telling you I wanted to ask you a question. You said go ahead and that's when I asked, "what would you say if i told you i'd miss you even if we'd never met?" You took forever to text me back and I got super nervous and I thought I messed up our friendship. Then, you text me back and to my surprise you agreed with me. I was so relieved!

12/20/2009: It's your birthday! I was busy running around town and meeting people I haven't seen in years. I was trying so bad to see you for your birthday, but I was scared I was going to miss it. You kept saying, "no, it's my birthday. i have to see you." So, finally I was leaving a meeting and I text you, "meet me in the checkers parking lot on peachtree across from chevron." You text back, "on thee way!"

We were both so nervous, but so excited at the same time. When my friend dropped me off at Checkers I saw you sitting in your truck. I got extremely nervous. I walked up to your truck and got inside. We were both really nervous and we couldn't help but glance at each other and look away. Our first meet was short, but worth it. You dropped me off at my friends apartment and you got out of the truck and made me give you a hug...hahaha =] We hugged for so long. I didn't want to let you go.

The next night, a group of us met for dinner and drinks. That night was the night! I knew that if I didn't tell you or show you how I felt about you, I didn't know when I'd ever see you again and I'd always regret it. So, my pinky grabbed your finger and your hand grabbed mine and we were talking, giggling, and smiling the whole night. Finally, you made a move. You pulled my hand to come sit down on your lap and I did and you gently kissed me on the cheek. I was really shocked and pleasantly surprised. I remember looking at you and smiling and leaning in to kiss you on the lips and we kissed for a very long time...hahahaha =]

As soon as our lips touched, I fell in love with you. I immediately knew you were the man for me and I knew I didn't want anyone else.

FINALLY! Our secret was revealed! All these years we both "liked" and cared for each other so much!

It's now 2010, we're girlfriend and boyfriend and happily in love. I'm still in Hawaii and you're still in Atlanta, but we're happier than ever and as I look back at that first message from 2005, I will always consider you my best friend, the first and only love of my life...

dedicated 2 SANu...